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  • Is the 9th grade for 2024-2025 a sure thing?
    In order to make the 9th grade work there needs to be a minimum of 20 students. The school board and administration have set up several stop gates to assess where we are in the process. If the student count is not reached administrators will let the families know well in advance of school starting.
  • Will you grow to offer grades 9-12?
    Yes, our plan is to grow one grade per year until we have a full 9-12 high school and Lakeside is a K-12 school.
  • How can families help with obtaining 20 students?
    It has been proven that the best advertising for Lakeside Charter Academy’s 9th grade is by word of mouth. We encourage our families to speak up and speak out about Lakeside moving forward with 9th grade.
  • Will there be athletics offered to the 9th graders?
    LCA will offer intramural sports through the North Meck Recreational Center. As our high school grows we will have more participants which will allow us to have the numbers we need to include different sports.
  • Will electives be offered?
    Computer Technology class is required for graduation. PE/Health and Art & Music.
  • Will a foreign language be offered?
    Foreign language will be offered through North Carolina Virtual (NCVPS) to begin.
  • Where will the 9th graders be located in the school?
    9th grade will be located in what is currently being used by the church. There is one large classroom and several smaller rooms that will be up-fitted for the 9th grade.
  • Will the 9th grade have access to bathrooms?
    Yes, there are boys and girls bathrooms in the area that will be used. This includes a drinking fountain/water filling station.
  • Will the 9th graders have lockers?
    That is an option we are currently looking into.
  • Will students have access to a school counselor?
    Lakeside Charter Academy will employ a school counselor whose responsibilities will include working with the high schools students, their schedules and graduation requirements.
  • How will my 9th grade student plan for the 4 years of courses they take?
    College Foundation of NC, and will work with the school counselor. Credits for a high school diploma will be determined by the LCA Board in the future.
  • How will you be sure that students are taking the right courses to meet college admission requirements?
    College Foundation of NC
  • Will honor courses be offered?
    Honor courses will be offered.
  • Does 9th grade have a dress code?
    Yes, there will be a dress code. Visible undergarments are prohibited at all times. No hats, visors, hoods or sunglasses worn inside the building. Revealing holes, rips, tears, or stains are not allowed on clothing at any time. No tank tops, see-through material, cut-off shirts, or clothing of any type that exposes the torso. Shirts must cover the torso (including the stomach, back, and chest/cleavage). No LCS athletic team uniform is allowed to be worn during the school day unless prior approval by administration. Students have to wear proper athletic shoes and clothing in order to participate in Physical Education classes. Shorts, skirts, dresses, must extend to a student’s fingertips when the student is standing with arms by his or her side. Pajama pants are not allowed. *Needs approval by the LCA Board*
  • How long are the classes/ What will be the school hours for 9th grade?
    Classes will be approximately one hour long and there will be six periods per day. School hours will be 8am - 3pm.
  • What transportation will be offered?
    Buses will be offered Kindergarten - 9th. Cluster stop locations will be determined over the summer.
  • If my child is old enough to take Driver’s Education will it be offered?
    Driver’s Education will not be offered on site. Students will contact their local county school office for Drivers Ed.
  • Is the attendance policy different?
    A high school student must be present for at least 50% of each class in order to be marked “present.” Those students who have attendance issues will be required to participate in Saturday school.

© 2023 by Lakeside Charter Academy 


Tel: (704) 896-9500


17609 Old Statesville Rd.

Cornelius - NC


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