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In class


When does school start?

School begins on August 26, 2024


What are the school hours?

Students are in school from 8am – 3pm.  Students can be dropped off as early as 7:30am.


Can food/treats be sent in to my student’s classroom for celebrations and birthdays?

Outside food and treats must be store bought.


What is the procedure for early pick-up?

We are not encouraging early pick-up during the school day.  We understand emergencies come up and appointments may need to be scheduled.  If a student needs to leave early for one of these, please call the front office at 704-896-9500, and also email the student’s homeroom teacher.  We do not allow afternoon pick up after 2pm (unless there is an emergency).


Do they still have to wear a uniform?

Students do have to wear uniforms when on campus. Click here for our uniform guidelines.


When is the latest I can pick up my child from class for an appointment or other reason?

The latest a student will be called out of class is 2:00 pm.


​Is there Before/After school care? â€‹

Yes. There is After school Care. Click here to learn more.​


What specials do the school offer?

Our school currently offers, Art, Technology, Music, Character Ed. and P.E. for all grades. 

How many students are in a class?  â€‹

The maximum is 25 per class, however most classes range from 17-20 students.


Does the school have a cafeteria/hot lunch option? 

LCA does not have a school cafeteria. All students eat in their classrooms. We offer a hot lunch program.

Is there a school nurse?

​At this time, there is not a school nurse, which is very common for charter schools. However, the office staff and additional staff are trained in basic first aid and CPR. The staff will take a cautious approach and notify parents of any bumps, bruises, cuts, or if child is sick.  


What temperature will a child be sent home with or not let into school?

If students have a temperature over 100.4, they will be sent home.  Students must be fever free without a fever reducer for 24 hours before returning to school.​

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