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At Lakeside There Are No Barriers To Learning

Disabilities and learning differences do not have to be barriers to learning. At tuition-free, public Lakeside Charter Academy students with disabilities and learning differences are supported by several programs including a multi-tiered system of support that’s available to all students, 504 plans for students with disabilities, and the Exceptional Children's Program for qualifying students with disabilities.

Lakeside Supports All Students

Lakeside Charter Academy is open to all students in kindergarten through 8th grade. Placement is decided through an annual lottery in February. Once enrolled, students with an Individual Education Program (IEP) receive specially designed instruction and services that address their specific need.

Beverly Sipe, Lakeside Charter Academy EC Director

Exceptional Children Director, Beverly Sipe says, “The teachers at Lakeside Charter School differentiate instruction through a multi-tiered system of support for ALL students.”

Ms. Sipe has been an educator for over thirty years and Lakeside’s EC Director for three; “In my role I not only get to be an advocate for students, but I get to support the adults in our community as well.”

Student Support at Lakeside

At Lakeside all students participate in personalized learning known as BEAR time. Ms. Sipe explains, “This is when teachers provide intensive enrichment or supplemental support to students grouped according to their current academic needs.”

“We in the special education department work closely with the regular classroom teachers to assure that every student’s needs are met,” Ms. Sipe assures.

Two EC teachers standing in front of Lakeside Charter Academy bear wall mural

There are two certified EC teachers on the Lakeside staff working with students and staff to support EC students in the setting their IEP dictates. Occupational therapy, speech and physical therapy services are provided for those who need it.

Parent Support at Lakeside

Learning at Lakeside is a family-school partnership. Parents are always involved in their student’s academic and behavior progress. From referral to eligibility parents are part of the IEP team. “As a public school, Lakeside is responsible to identify, locate, and evaluate any students who need special education,” Ms. Sipe explains. “They help to develop the IEP and review it with the team at least every 364 days. Parents of students with 504 Plans help develop those plans.”

Lakeside Charter Academy is committed to creating an environment where every student finds their niche. We’re excited to walk alongside them and support them throughout their school experience. If you have questions about Lakeside’s Exceptional Children program, 504 plans or LCA Multi-level system of support, contact Beverly Sipe,

About Lakeside

Lakeside Charter Academy is a K-8 community-driven school where caring educators, parents, and local business leaders work to provide unparalleled education. Our approach is nurturing yet challenging, innovative while embracing proven traditions. We are committed to offering a safe, fun environment for children to reach their highest academic potential. Enroll your child today!


© 2023 by Lakeside Charter Academy 


Tel: (704) 896-9500


17609 Old Statesville Rd.

Cornelius - NC


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